About us

Berlin’s #1 design studio for digital products

Our mission

To amplify and empower the innovators and trailblazers of our times

Jeremy's portrait

Jeremy | Founder

Previously HoD for an award-winning blockchain startup from seed to series B

My experience

“The best products are always more than just a set of features solving isolated problems.

They have an elusive x-factor to them that transcends the sum of their parts.

That’s what we do. That’s our craft. Cultivating this effect.

First, we help you articulate your x-factor, then together we’ll transform your vision into an exquisite digital experience.

We combine hard things like go-to-market strategy and user retention metrics; with soft things, like brand and user experience. And everything in between.

You can think of us as digital architects, combining form and function, in a beautiful engaging way.”

Our team

  • Adam portrait

    Adam | Design lead

    Project management & design coordinator

  • Jess portrait

    Jess | UX designer

    Product design specialist, creates smooth intuitive experiences

  • Hana portrait

    Hana | Brand designer

    Develops a beautiful unique look and feel for each product

  • Yaesul portrait

    Yaesul | UI designer

    Crafts engaging interfaces and slick engineering handoffs

  • Maxime portrait

    Maxime | Engineer

    Builds and maintains our homesite

We’re a small task-force of digital creatives, passionate about this quickly evolving medium. We’re based in Berlin, with a global outlook.

Join the team

01 What’s with the name?

Some time ago, a few curious humans taught a chimpanzee over 400 words through a touchpad interface. He understood past and present tense and could enjoy simple conversations with guests. One day he tried kale, and named it “slow lettuce.” It looked like lettuce, but took him longer to chew...

02 Why us

There’s a brave new world coming. Coming fast. Tech has the power to traverse worlds, and evolve us in ways we never imagined. If used responsibility, it just might solve a lot of the problems we face together in these tumultuous times. We’re here to help.

03 Our mission

To amplify and empower the innovators and trailblazers of our times.

01 What’s with the name?

Some time ago, a few curious humans taught a chimpanzee over 400 words through a touchpad interface. He understood past and present tense and could enjoy simple conversations with guests. One day he tried kale, and named it “slow lettuce.” It looked like lettuce, but took him longer to chew...

02 Why us

There’s a brave new world coming. Coming fast. Tech has the power to traverse worlds, and evolve us in ways we never imagined. If used responsibility, it just might solve a lot of the problems we face together in these tumultuous times. We’re here to help.

03 Our mission

To amplify and empower the innovators and trailblazers of our times.